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Veterinarian Quiz

Results and Recommendations



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea requea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in felicitum reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ocia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia et consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione dolorus voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi wante tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis.

3 students smiling

Your Results

Category 1

Animal Husbandry

Category 1
Animal Husbandry Experience

About This Category

The animal husbandry experience category includes theanimal experiences you have without the supervision ofa veterinarian. These experiences can vary: farm and ranch experiences, 4-H memberships, animal training, animal shelter work, working with livestock, showing animals, working at a zoo/aquarium, and working at a pet shop.

These experiences are extremely important for the future veterinarian because working around animals allows you to beer understand animal behavior, diets, handling, and medical care. This is why veterinary

colleges want applicants to have animal experience and numerous veterinary colleges report that applicants who are accepted have over 1,600 hours of experience. These colleges also want your experience to be with numerous animal species to insure that you gain a broad understanding of animal husbandry. So geing all of your experience with one species of animal is not advisable.

Your Score in This Category

Category 1
Animal Husbandry Experience

Personalized Advice For You

Your score places you at about the middle for this category. You have a good start working with animals and logging your experiences. Now is the time to evaluate what you’ve completed so far.

If a large portion of your experience thus far involves caring for your household pets, it is time to move on. While caring for the family pet is a great place to start your journey, these hours really do not count towards your vet school application at all. Also, as you move out of the home, you now need to graduate to animal husbandry experiences that require much more responsibility and teach you so much more.

Experiences you should consider include shelter volunteer, pet sier, research assistant, aquarium volunteer, stable hand, zoo teen and even kennel assistant. Moving into these roles might take some time. Typically organizations will start you in jobs with limited responsibility before your role grows. For example, you might muck a lot of stalls before the stable puts you in charge of the feeding and care of boarding horses in the morning. So nd the facility you want to be a part of and start small. Before you know it, your role will grow and you will be growing your experience with animals.

The quiz also indicates that you have worked with a

broad range of animal species. This is excolumnsent. Veterinary colleges look for this during the application process. Additionally, it will help you in the future as you begin to focus on the type of veterinarian you hope to become.

Remember to, keep track of ALL of your animal-related experiences; you will need this detailed log for filling out your veterinary school application.

Category 2


Category 2
Veterinary Experience

About This Category

The veterinary experience category officially includes only those experiences that are under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. At Vet Set Go, we understand that while these experiences can be the most rewarding, they are also the most diffcult to obtain. Many of our newer members haven’t had the chance to connect with veterinarians in person. So, in this portion of the quiz, we asked questions to see what other things you might be doing to become familiar with the profession.

Without a doubt, working with a licensed veterinarian is the most valuable experience you can have. It helps you

explore and understand what day-to-day life of an animal doctor is really like. As you work with veterinarians, you’ll grow your understanding of the profession. You’ll also nd yourself starting to comprehend veterinary medical procedures and terms. This is why veterinary college admission boards look very hard at a candidate’s veterinary experience.

Your Score in This Category

Category 2
Veterinary Experience

Personalized Advice For You

Your score places you at about the middle for this category. You have a good start working with animals and logging your experiences. Now is the time to evaluate what you’ve completed so far.

If a large portion of your experience thus far involves caring for your household pets, it is time to move on. While caring for the family pet is a great place to start your journey, these hours really do not count towards your vet school application at all. Also, as you move out of the home, you now need to graduate to animal husbandry experiences that require much more responsibility and teach you so much more.

Experiences you should consider include shelter volunteer, pet sier, research assistant, aquarium volunteer, stable hand, zoo teen and even kennel assistant. Moving into these roles might take some time. Typically organizations will start you in jobs with limited responsibility before your role grows. For example, you might muck a lot of stalls before the stable puts you in charge of the feeding and care of boarding horses in the morning. So nd the facility you want to be a part of and start small. Before you know it, your role will grow and you will be growing your experience with animals.

The quiz also indicates that you have worked with a

broad range of animal species. This is excolumnsent. Veterinary colleges look for this during the application process. Additionally, it will help you in the future as you begin to focus on the type of veterinarian you hope to become.

Remember to, keep track of ALL of your animal-related experiences; you will need this detailed log for filling out your veterinary school application.

Category 3


Category 3
Science Experience and Education

About This Category

The veterinary experience category officially includes only those experiences that are under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. At Vet Set Go, we understand that while these experiences can be the most rewarding, they are also the most diffcult to obtain. Many of our newer members haven’t had the chance to connect with veterinarians in person. So, in this portion of the quiz, we asked questions to see what other things you might be doing to become familiar with the profession.

Without a doubt, working with a licensed veterinarian is the most valuable experience you can have. It helps you

explore and understand what day-to-day life of an animal doctor is really like. As you work with veterinarians, you’ll grow your understanding of the profession. You’ll also nd yourself starting to comprehend veterinary medical procedures and terms. This is why veterinary college admission boards look very hard at a candidate’s veterinary experience.

Your Score in This Category

Category 3
Science Experience and Education

Personalized Advice For You

Your score places you at about the middle for this category. You have a good start working with animals and logging your experiences. Now is the time to evaluate what you’ve completed so far.

If a large portion of your experience thus far involves caring for your household pets, it is time to move on. While caring for the family pet is a great place to start your journey, these hours really do not count towards your vet school application at all. Also, as you move out of the home, you now need to graduate to animal husbandry experiences that require much more responsibility and teach you so much more.

Experiences you should consider include shelter volunteer, pet sier, research assistant, aquarium volunteer, stable hand, zoo teen and even kennel assistant. Moving into these roles might take some time. Typically organizations will start you in jobs with limited responsibility before your role grows. For example, you might muck a lot of stalls before the stable puts you in charge of the feeding and care of boarding horses in the morning. So nd the facility you want to be a part of and start small. Before you know it, your role will grow and you will be growing your experience with animals.

The quiz also indicates that you have worked with a

broad range of animal species. This is excolumnsent. Veterinary colleges look for this during the application process. Additionally, it will help you in the future as you begin to focus on the type of veterinarian you hope to become.

Remember to, keep track of ALL of your animal-related experiences; you will need this detailed log for filling out your veterinary school application.

Category 4


Category 4
Volunteer Experience

About This Category

The veterinary experience category officially includes only those experiences that are under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. At Vet Set Go, we understand that while these experiences can be the most rewarding, they are also the most diffcult to obtain. Many of our newer members haven’t had the chance to connect with veterinarians in person. So, in this portion of the quiz, we asked questions to see what other things you might be doing to become familiar with the profession.

Without a doubt, working with a licensed veterinarian is the most valuable experience you can have. It helps you

explore and understand what day-to-day life of an animal doctor is really like. As you work with veterinarians, you’ll grow your understanding of the profession. You’ll also nd yourself starting to comprehend veterinary medical procedures and terms. This is why veterinary college admission boards look very hard at a candidate’s veterinary experience.

Your Score in This Category

Category 4
Volunteer Experience

Personalized Advice For You

Your score places you at about the middle for this category. You have a good start working with animals and logging your experiences. Now is the time to evaluate what you’ve completed so far.

If a large portion of your experience thus far involves caring for your household pets, it is time to move on. While caring for the family pet is a great place to start your journey, these hours really do not count towards your vet school application at all. Also, as you move out of the home, you now need to graduate to animal husbandry experiences that require much more responsibility and teach you so much more.

Experiences you should consider include shelter volunteer, pet sier, research assistant, aquarium volunteer, stable hand, zoo teen and even kennel assistant. Moving into these roles might take some time. Typically organizations will start you in jobs with limited responsibility before your role grows. For example, you might muck a lot of stalls before the stable puts you in charge of the feeding and care of boarding horses in the morning. So nd the facility you want to be a part of and start small. Before you know it, your role will grow and you will be growing your experience with animals.

The quiz also indicates that you have worked with a

broad range of animal species. This is excolumnsent. Veterinary colleges look for this during the application process. Additionally, it will help you in the future as you begin to focus on the type of veterinarian you hope to become.

Remember to, keep track of ALL of your animal-related experiences; you will need this detailed log for filling out your veterinary school application.

Category 5

Connections with Other
Future Veterinarians

Category 5
Connections with Other Future Veterinarians

About This Category

The veterinary experience category officially includes only those experiences that are under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. At Vet Set Go, we understand that while these experiences can be the most rewarding, they are also the most diffcult to obtain. Many of our newer members haven’t had the chance to connect with veterinarians in person. So, in this portion of the quiz, we asked questions to see what other things you might be doing to become familiar with the profession.

Without a doubt, working with a licensed veterinarian is the most valuable experience you can have. It helps you

explore and understand what day-to-day life of an animal doctor is really like. As you work with veterinarians, you’ll grow your understanding of the profession. You’ll also nd yourself starting to comprehend veterinary medical procedures and terms. This is why veterinary college admission boards look very hard at a candidate’s veterinary experience.

Your Score in This Category

Category 5
Connections with Other Future Veterinarians

Personalized Advice For You

Your score places you at about the middle for this category. You have a good start working with animals and logging your experiences. Now is the time to evaluate what you’ve completed so far.

If a large portion of your experience thus far involves caring for your household pets, it is time to move on. While caring for the family pet is a great place to start your journey, these hours really do not count towards your vet school application at all. Also, as you move out of the home, you now need to graduate to animal husbandry experiences that require much more responsibility and teach you so much more.

Experiences you should consider include shelter volunteer, pet sier, research assistant, aquarium volunteer, stable hand, zoo teen and even kennel assistant. Moving into these roles might take some time. Typically organizations will start you in jobs with limited responsibility before your role grows. For example, you might muck a lot of stalls before the stable puts you in charge of the feeding and care of boarding horses in the morning. So nd the facility you want to be a part of and start small. Before you know it, your role will grow and you will be growing your experience with animals.

The quiz also indicates that you have worked with a

broad range of animal species. This is excolumnsent. Veterinary colleges look for this during the application process. Additionally, it will help you in the future as you begin to focus on the type of veterinarian you hope to become.

Remember to, keep track of ALL of your animal-related experiences; you will need this detailed log for filling out your veterinary school application.


About the Quiz Takers

Age Range

How old are the other future veterinarians who have taken the quiz? This graph shows you the ages of the aspiring veterinarians who have taken the quiz before you.


Wondering whether more boys or girls have taken this quiz? This graph shows you the percentage breakdown of male and female quiz takers.

Next Steps

Where to Go From Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ocia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae.

Thank you

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea requea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in felicitum reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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