
Animal Volunteering

Sep 28, 2023 3:09PM

Last semester I started volunteering at a local animal rescue for abused or neglected farm animals. This is a picture of me and one of my favorite animals at the rescue, Toby the donkey. On a weekly basis, I've volunteered at the farm by feeding, giving medications, grooming, and maintaining the cleanliness of the animals. I've found this work to be both rewarding and worthwhile, as I'm able to provide comfort and companionship to these animals that deserve nothing less. Being my favorite volunteer experience to date, I still volunteer at the farm weekly and plan on volunteering next semester as well. I've used Vet Set Go to help keep track of volunteering and animal hours and have found it very convenient to organize my experiences using the app.

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
September 28 - 02:09pm

Toby looks awesome. And it sounds like you have gotten some great experience during the past two semesters. I am sure the local animal rescue is so happy to have your help.

Thanks for using the Vet Volunteer app. We know you will be glad you recorded all of these hours and experiences when you start to fill out your first vet college applications.

Thanks for sharing and all the good work you are doing.

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