
Anyone Want to Learn Anatomy This Year?

Jul 27, 2020 2:07PM

Thanks to all of your who have supported us so far! Vet Set Go had a great first week with backing from science teachers, parents, veterinarians, veterinary hospitals, and animal health companies. So great to see us all working to do something amazing together.

We still need you!! Go here and help us create an on-line course to go with the Beneath the Skin, Scale, Fur, and Feather anatomy book!

We know a lot of students are going to be home this year and/or rotating between classrooms and webinars. Help us create new science resources for these middle and high school aspiring veterinarians.

Watch the demonstration video above to get an idea of what we type of on-line course we can create. Our book is beautiful... but don't you want someone to guide your journey into the anatomy of animals?

Please support our effort today. Go to our kickstarter page and reserve you book...and hopefully your on-line course today!

Dr. Chris

Dr. Chris Carpenter
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