“I have loved dogs and cats since I was young. I decided that I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was around ten years old. My family and I are fosters for Second Chance in Columbia Missouri. Since 2014 my family has successfully fostered and found homes for 40 dogs. I also work a lot of Second Chance events in my free time. As a foster I have to take care of all sorts of dogs with different issues. I often help out at the Second Chance clinic as an extra set of hands to handle the animals as they come in. I have observed and held animals while they are getting vaccines or microchips. Once while volunteering at clinic the Second Chance veterinarian allowed me to view live demodex mites and heartworm microfilaria under the microscope. … One of my most rewarding foster cases was two poodles that were in horrendous shape, they had nails that were so long that they were curled into their paws. One of the poodles had scratched all of the fur off his chest and chin because they were both flea infested. They couldn’t have been in worse conditions. With lots of love, nail clippers, and coconut oil my family helped these two dogs to a full recovery. When they came to us they were scared and unhappy but now they are living a happy life with a great family. Our motto is rescue, rehab, adopt. ...”
This is an excerpt from story and photograph that were submitted by Emma Lea from Missouri as part of her entry to the 2017 Become a Veterinarian Camp Contest. We were amazed at the passion our entrants had towards animals and all that they were doing to explore their dream of becoming a veterinarian. We wanted to share these powerful stories with everyone.
We hope that this story and all of the stories posted here in the Community section of Vet Set Go help to motivate everyone to continue to explore their dreams. You will become a veterinarian if you just get out there.
Please share on Vet Set Go. Just become a member and then click the “Submit You Story” button here in the Community Section. You can share a quick story, a photograph, or even a video you have on You Tube. Just share!
Dr. Chris
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Comments Add Comment
wow! I want to foster some day too!
I wanted to be a vet since I was 3 years old and am ten now. that's great that you foster!
I would love to foster but I would fall in love and want to keep them all!!
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