
Helping Wildlife

Aug 11, 2017 12:08PM

A couple days ago I was walking my dog with my mom and I saw a lump on the sidewalk. When I went to investigate I found a young rabbit huddled in a ball. Around it I saw dark spots (It's hard to see at night) that looked like blood. So since we lives close by my mom ran home and grabbed a box and my wildlife net I use for injured animals, but since he was so lethargic and didn't want to move we just scooped him into the box. We were so worried for him that we drove straight to the wildlife sanctuary hoping that they would be open, unfortunately they weren't. Upon getting home I observed him and concluded he was not attacked by a cat or hit by a car since (I think) he had his lens bulging out of his socket, most of the fur around his neck missing and slightly bloody, and his right front paw slightly skinned but not bad (he was still limping). The next day we took him there and prayed for the best, but sadly upon a follow up the next day they had said he was dead and that he had bott flies in his neck.


*photo is not the actual rabbit but best photo I could find

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August 19 - 09:08am

Thank you Ally, for helping such a poor creature. I know how it feels to lose a rescued animal. My dad once found a abandoned baby squirrel in our backyard and we brought it to our vet, but two days later he sadly died... The vet said that he had developed pneumonia. Once again, thank you. -Rianna

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