
My Crazy Summer

Aug 24, 2016 11:08AM

This summer I have been taking horses that have been abused, neglected, or close to slaughter in and getting them back to healthy weight and training them to the point that they are 100% normal and safe to ride again before selling them to the public. I have worked very closely with my vet to help treat any problems and bring them back to normal. One of my horses was coming home from a show and got in a severe accident where it was all wound up and crazy and the police who responded was talking about putting it down when I got a phone call at 3am asking if I would be able to go out and help. I quickly got up and when I arrived at the scene I saw the trailer completely destroyed. I went into the trailer against what the officers had told me and was able to calm him down enough in order to get him out. The owners called a lot of vets but the closest one wouldn't be able to get there for another hour. The horse had three big lacerations on his hip shoulder and chest. It was near one of the boarding facilities I was training at and I remembered that there was supplies to stitch up the lacerations. A friend and I quickly went there to grab the supplies and came back to stitch up the wounds. I have practiced stitching up animals before and I have done it on one animal, but a vet was right next to me when I did it, so this was the first time I was on my own. It took me a while but I finally got all the winds closed and when the owner took him to the vet later that morning the vet couldn't believe how good of job I did. That was just part of my crazy summer.

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December 15 - 01:12am

It makes me angry when I see horses being taken to the slaughter house. Some people just have the guts to do, ones that don't have feelings towards animals.

December 15 - 01:12am

It makes me angry when I see horses being taken to the slaughter house. Some people just have the guts to do it, ones that don't have feelings towards animals.

January 3 - 04:01am

What an outstanding thing you did! Wonderful story! <3

January 4 - 06:01pm

Nice job!!!

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