
My dogs

Apr 4, 2017 10:04AM

I remember beign the classical kid wanting a dog even since I could remember, it was a long wait, but it was worth it. Now I have two dogs: Doki, who is a Welsh Corgi mix and 9 years old and Teddy, who's a poodle-pomeranian mix and just a year old!

I love them both, since they have completely different personalities! Doki it's quiet, serious but still cute, and Teddy it's a complete mischievious goofball. He's always in a good mood, and I've learned a lot from him; about handling of pets and understending them.

I admit sometimes I may envy kids who have had a connection with animals even since they were born, but I've always felt something secial towards animals. Though first I wanted to be a breeder, btu I got decided on beign a vet better! I'll follow my dream :)

Comments Add Comment
April 24 - 10:04pm

Congrats! Keep following your dreams, they always lead somewhere ; )

June 12 - 03:06pm


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