
My Future in Conservation Medicine

Mar 27, 2016 2:03PM

I have always known that animals were going to be a part of my career no matter what, but I wasn't sure exactly how until I learned about veterinary medicine. I am a junior in high school ,and I have partaken in a a course at the college level that allowed me to experience the multitude of different areas that veterinarians have the opportunity to get involved in. I was blown away by all that veterinarians are able to do and the variety that comes with the job. I am particularly interested in studying large animal or zoo animal medicine. I got involved with the Conservation Science Scholars at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, and this program has allowed me to get a closer look at zoological medicine and how intriguing working with a variety of species is to me. I even had the opportunity to feed some zebras raw sweet potato, and to listen to a calf's heart beat through a stethoscope. I am excited about my future in veterinary medicine and I won't give up on my studies until my goal of becoming a veterinarian is fulfilled.

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
March 27 - 02:03pm

The Brookfield Zoo program sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing with our members.

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