
My Pre-Vet Journey

Sep 19, 2023 7:09PM

Hi! My name is Grace and I am an aspiring Veterinarian. Right now, my interests are in the small animal field, particularly to specialize as an Orthopedic Surgeon.

Becoming a Veterinarian puts emphasis on hands on experience and leadership skills more than anything else. I began my journey early shadowing an actual vet, as well as volunteering at my local animal shelter. In my 100+ hours, I learned more in the field of Veterinary Medicine than I would have anywhere else. Learning how to draw up vaccinations, properly trim nails, surgery prep, proper placing of an IV, and even how to pull a tooth! These are the beginning experiences to a successful career! It was here that I got to watch a knee replacement on a patient, which ignited my interest in Orthopedic care. I love experiencing how an efficient vet clinic is suppose to operate, as well as teamwork and leadership skills. Sitting in the examination room with the patient and owner has taught me that people skills are just as important as animals.

My favorite experience working with animals has been by far showing my dog in the American Kennel Club (AKC) Conformation classes. Shadowing at a vet clinic opened a whole new door for me when it comes to working with animals. Soon after I started volunteering, I met my mentor in dog showing, who was a Bernese Mountain Dog breeder. Before I knew it, I had a brand new puppy (Jed) in the show ring! Training, handling, and striving towards an AKC Championship was the hardest task I had set out on, but definitely the most rewarding. In the 3 years of hard work, I completed Jed’s Championship (with the help of my amazing family and mentor) with 17 points, 2 majors, as well as three titles and counting! Through this journey, I have been able to compete in Junior Showmanship, the National Owner-Handler Series, Best in Group, and handle several other breeds for professional handlers. The experience I have gained in the many recognized breeds of the AKC has nurtured my love for dogs, as well as my continual journey in becoming a Veterinarian!

I am a new community member of Vet Set Go, but it has already become an invaluable resource! Being able to easily log my volunteer hours helps me keep better track on a regular basis. And when the time comes to apply for Vet school, I can have full confidence of the hours I have completed on my resume.

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