
My Story as a Future Veterinarian

Sep 24, 2023 4:09PM

Hello everyone,

My name is Jenna and I am currently studying Biology at The Ohio State University. My journey to Vet Med is a little… untraditional per se. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian but was afraid to take that leap, so I pursued a B.A. in English Lit and Medieval History where I studied the history of veterinary medicine through written manuscripts. Funny how I never really strayed from my true passion. After getting that out of my system, I knew there was no other path for me other than Vet Med.

Currently, I volunteer at a local animal shelter where I run the dog floor and I also volunteer at a local ranch helping kids ride horses for therapy. It’s hard to say which experience has been my favourite, as I cannot see myself leaving either any time soon, but only one of these experiences did I bring a new family member home.

My dog, Teddy, is exactly why I volunteer. These animals need companionship, love, and compassion. I’ve developed such a deep bond with these dogs, I cannot see myself stopping any time in the future as they hold a very special place in my heart. I volunteer because I am their caregiver—I want to always be there when they fell sick, lonely, happy, and when they get adopted to see their little faces light up.

Due to this, I really want to volunteer my time—once I am a licensed veterinarian—to shelters who need checkups or further care for the animals in house. I want to be well diverse, so I can always help and be of use to the animals who need me. I see myself running an emergency mixed animal practice one day in the future.

In this journey, Vet Set Go has been the most vital application for me. I use it to log everything. Anytime I am volunteering, I can take notes of the experience and I can log my hours. I am a major fan of organization and Vet Set Go keeps me organized. Thank you Vet Set Go!!

To anyone reading this, I wish you the best of luck on whatever journey you are on and am rooting for you.

* Jenna *

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