
Rehabilitating Horses

Jun 16, 2017 6:06PM

"Everyone that knows me, knows I love animals. One area that demonstrates my love and desire to help animals is the time I’ve spent rehabilitating horses. Through the barns I ride at, I have rehabilitated distressed animals from malnourished goats to mistreated ponies. I take them on as personal projects and help them heal physically and emotionally. I am responsible for their medication intake, assisting their veterinarians, and giving them proper care. After they are healthy, I train them and later find them a permanent home. Each time I rehabilitate an animal I learn something new. I want to learn as much as I can; and teach people to treat their animals the best way they can. More than anything, I want to care for and help animals."

This is an excerpt from story and photograph that were submitted by Caroline from Idaho as part of her entry to the 2017 Become a Veterinarian Camp Contest. We were amazed at the passion our entrants had towards animals and all that they were doing to explore their dream of becoming a veterinarian. We wanted to share these powerful stories with everyone.

We hope that this story and all of the stories posted here in the Community section of Vet Set Go help to motivate everyone to continue to explore their dreams. You will become a veterinarian if you just get out there.

Please share on Vet Set Go. Just become a member and then click the “Submit You Story” button here in the Community Section. You can share a quick story, a photograph, or even a video you have on You Tube. Just share!

Dr. Chris

Dr. Chris Carpenter
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