Hi, my name is Beth. I'm 19 and I'll be starting college this summer to head on my way to become a veterinarian. Whenever I was asked as a child or even now... what do you want to be when you grow up? My first thought has always gone to being a vet. When I was a young child, I witnessed one of my kittens die in a horrible way. It was an accident. It suffered greatly and I could do nothing to help it. I will never ever forget that. I want to be able to help animals in pain. I don't want to be helpless like that again... even though I know that there will be some times when there will be nothing I can do. I want to at least be able to try. I am glad to have found this website. I hope it will help as I go on my journey. :) good luck to all the rest of you out there who are on their own journeys. :)
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