
Stuffed Rescue wants to be a Vet

Dec 15, 2017 11:12AM

My name is Joyce and I love animals. I am eight years old and have wanted to be a vet since I was about 4. I fell in love with a dog named "Fred" seen above. He was part of the Miracle Mutts, a subdivision of Marleys Mutts Dog Rescue. I had gone to the library on December 11, 2013 to get a library card and my mom and I were asked to stay and read to the dogs. We stayed and met Fred and was in love with him since. He has opened up more pation towards dogs, their plight and how I can help them. Since then, I have learned about the many breeds, their behaviour, their anatomy, how to train them and so much more. We watched Liz Kover, Fred's handler/owner train him for the years since.

I spent some of my summer vacation at our local ASPCA, and continually seek opportunities to expand my knowledge about animals. Currently, I watch many Youtube videos on different animals. I enjoy watching Siri Pixel Biologist and Coyote Peterson. And my journey continues, as I learn more about animals.
Facebook: Fred the Dog

Thank you to my mom for typing this out for me.

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December 15 - 11:12am

It is also important to mention that my heroes include Zach Skow (owner of Marley's Mutts), Liz Kover (handler/program director) and Cesar Millan.

Since my mom will not let me have unlimited animals, I rescue stuffed dogs and rehome them once vetted. Proceeds go to Marley's Mutts to assist with their dogs.

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