
Summer Volunteering

Sep 29, 2023 11:09AM

This summer I spent several hours volunteering for Fur Kids Animal Shelter in Georgia. It’s so rewarding to give these dogs the love and attention that they deserve. The shelter does an amazing job and I am so happy to be able to spend a few hours there, walking the dogs or playing with them. Over the summer I volunteered 2 hours a week and plan to continue going as often as I can. I recently started using the vet set go app to track my volunteer hours.

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
September 28 - 07:09pm

What a great way to spend your summer volunteering. Shelters need our help so much and they are a great way to animal experience. So great that you consistently went in each week to volunteer. I'll bet they appreciated the time you put in.

And thanks for using the Vet Volunteer app to track your hours. Stay with it. You'll be amazed how fast the hours build up!

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