
took the how to shadow a vet course and loved it!

Aug 16, 2021 4:08PM

I took the how to shadow a vet course and loved it so much I'm already taking the steps to shadow vet and hope others will get the course and get to shadow a vet to! and I hope one day to be a pet vet! if you like horses you will be a equine vet!

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
August 16 - 04:08pm

Glad the Vet Set Go shadowing course helped you. You can find a shadowing opportunity at a young age. Just follow the steps on the course. Best of luck to you. .....Oh and take the safety course too when you can.

August 17 - 07:08pm

thanks for the course agin!

August 16 - 05:08pm

I'm taking the safety course tomorrow for school and will post about it tomorrow cant wait!

August 16 - 05:08pm

I hope I can learn the safety and use the courses to shadow a vet and one day become a vet!

Dr. Chris Carpenter
August 24 - 06:08pm

We hope these courses help you land your first shadowing opportunity!

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