
took vet set go's shadowing a vet safety course and loved it!

Aug 17, 2021 4:08PM

I took the vet set go safety while shadowing course and loved it there was lots of things I did not know and now I know them and I did not know all the risks that shadowing can bring but still I will shadow! I cant wait to use all this info to shadow a vet! and hope others will take the course too! 🐶🐕🐩🐕‍🦺🐱🐈😻😁🥰🤩😎🤗

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Dr. Chris Carpenter
August 24 - 06:08pm

Great share. Tell us when you land your first shadowing experience!!

September 11 - 03:09am

will do! I have a maybe shadow chance, the vet said that it was most likely yes to shadow!😆😆😄😄😊😊thanks DR. Chris Carper!

Dr. Chris Carpenter
September 11 - 04:09pm

GREAT NEWS!!! So excited that you might be able to get inside a clinic for the day. After your big day, you have to share everything about what it was like to shadow. OK!

September 11 - 08:09pm

thanks cant wait and will share my shadow experience with you! have a good day!

December 21 - 01:12am

I haven't got to shadow yet I got Covid-19 and then had thank giving and now Christmas, but I hope I do soon!

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